Thursday, October 17, 2013

The beginning of something beautiful...

Greetings fellow "Healthians",

Not sure if that's a word (Actually I'm pretty sure it isn't) but I figured I'd use it anyway. Today marks my first very blog post, so forgive me if my thoughts are a bit jumbled and non-sensical. I can only promise that it will improve over time. Speaking of time, It's been a long time since I've had something to look to something and that something is finally here.

Through LISC Americorp, I've become the new Food Access Outreach Coordinator at West Harlem Group Assistance and I'm looking forward to all of the amazing things I'll do in the upcoming year. As a the new FAC, (Ha! already using acronyms) I'll be responsible for helping community members improve their health by making healthier food choices, understanding the importance of proper nutrition and creating social media outlets that the community can look to for information regarding Health initiatives- all things I believe will reduce the social health inequity in New York City. 

One of the great things about the position I accepted was the ability to get involved immediately. For example, Helene my co-worker at WHGA (Another one, how do you like that) and myself will be hosting a Healthy Living meeting at 148 west 143rd street. See the flyer below (you know I had to do this):

We'll be doing a Taste Testing event where everyone will taste things they've never experienced and compare it to some of things they eat regularly. A wise man once said variety is the spice of life and we're definitely living today! 

These tasting events allow me to revel in one of the things I've enjoyed most in the last eight years of my life: Cooking. Now, by no means am I Emeril Lagasse. But, I'd like to believe that I have a decent sense of taste and how to prepare things that others can "enjoy". Now, I say enjoy with caution. I've been a huge fitness enthusiast and I've been known to eat things with practically no flavor just to fit my macros (IIFYM anyone). With that said, I can promise you a few things: No bland food, fun and friendly people,  blood pressure screenings and Youth bucks to spend at the local farmer's markets across New York. A nice package to start a healthy new life or if you're already a healthy person, a nice incentive to continue your commitment to good health.

Hope to see you there,


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